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Best Served Cold

IISBN-13: 978-1770767003


With a busy life as a family doctor and the worry of elderly parents, Grace Dunstable feels that she is well overdue some good fortune. Her wish seems to be granted in the form of Gideon, a new consultant, who takes an immediate shine to her and asks her out. But as they grow closer, the rest of Grace's life strangely starts to fall apart and after a sequence of increasingly upsetting events, she begins to wonder if she has inherited her mother's mental health problems. Thank goodness for the tenacity of Harry, her work colleague, who doggedly sets out to find out just what exactly is going on and who Gideon Barlow really is. From the author of the popular Teviotdale medical centre series comes a new novel, with a new heroine, romance, medicine and more than a touch of suspense


Out of Practice

ISBN 13:978-1-77076-379-1

Few people realise that Faith Faber, seemingly an accomplished doctor is really a shy and insecure person. Her lack of confidence is not helped by the fact that she lives with her critical and overbearing mother, who has never come to terms with her own divorce and who does not approve of Faith’s engagement to the gregarious Jonty. Faith is delighted to be offered a post at Teviotdale medical centre, one of the partners is on sick leave and soon she meets Pollyanna Smith, a hugely overweight young woman who yearns to be slim, something Faith can sympathise with as she herself has had a constant battle with food for most of her life. But nothing they try seems to help.... well, not Pollyanna anyway. Will the course of love run smoothly? Will Faith accept who she really is? While her relationship explodes and she is faced with one of the biggest and most difficult diagnoses of her life, Faith discovers who her real friends are makes a huge decision of her own.


Too Close For Comfort

ISBN 9781770765986


No matter how good a doctor you are, it is so hard to look after someone you are emotionally attached to. For a start, you don’t want them to be seriously ill and common sense flies out of the window. Ellie is back in her home town, finishing her training to become a GP and delighted to be nearer to her parents. She has a new home, she’s reunited with an old friend from medical school days and there is the excitement of a passionate and illicit affair. Life is good. But both her parents are trying to protect her from an awful secret. When Ellie finds out and the situation turns out to be far worse than anyone expected, she has to face the realisation that things are going to change forever. This is the third of five books in the popular Teviotdale medical centre series


Faith Hope and Charity

ISBN 97817707646613

Few people realise that Faith Faber, seemingly an accomplished doctor is really a shy and insecure person. Her lack of confidence is not helped by the fact that she lives with her critical and overbearing mother, who has never come to terms with her own divorce and who does not approve of Faith’s engagement to the gregarious Jonty. Faith is delighted to be offered a post at Teviotdale medical centre, one of the partners is on sick leave and soon she meets Pollyanna Smith, a hugely overweight young woman who yearns to be slim, something Faith can sympathise with as she herself has had a constant battle with food for most of her life. But nothing they try seems to help.... well, not Pollyanna anyway. Will the course of love run smoothly? Will Faith accept who she really is? While her relationship explodes and she is faced with one of the biggest and most difficult diagnoses of her life, Faith discovers who her real friends are makes a huge decision of her own

Spoilt for Choice

ISBN-13: 978-1770766365

Long distance relationships rarely work and when Ed Diamond's girlfriend moves away expecting him to follow her, he realises it is time to call it a day. He throws himself into work and before he knows it becomes the unwelcome recipient of the unwanted advances of an elderly patient's niece.

Claire Jennings, one of Ed's work colleagues is over the moon to find out that she is expecting a baby but her pregnancy is fraught with worries from the beginning.

Through Clare, Ed meets Zoe, Clare's consultant and they rapidly become close.

When Clare is rushed into the operating theatre , Ed dashes to the hospital to be with Zoe but there is a terrible accident.

Who survives? Will Teviotdale lose not one but two of its most valued doctors? And what about the baby?​


Change of Mind

ISBN 97817770766440

John Britton, senior partner is fed up. Work seems to be nothing but stress and continual change, most of which he disapproves of. Plus he has his own health worries to come to terms with. Joan, the head receptionist, has been a valuable and dependable member of the practice team for many years. Now she is at her wits’ end and who wouldn’t be, living with an out of control, manipulative young son and a mother with advancing dementia? Aware of all her problems, John does his best to help and offer support but his attentions are misinterpreted by Joan who is developing and increasingly dangerous infatuation with the general practitioner and will stop at virtually nothing to achieve her goal. This is the fifth and final book in the Teviotdale medical centre series.




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